
Metal gear rising revengeance pc combo not working
Metal gear rising revengeance pc combo not working

Can't change the difficulty setting after the start of the game. It made me laugh at times but it feels like an edgy teenagers fever dream, with ninjas and cyborgs and jumping off missiles and slicing through buildings. When I retired the game, I just absolutely didn't care anymore what happens in the story or to the characters. Raiden as a character doesn't make any sense, and the bad guys rarely do either. So many wacky weird diatribes that make no sense going on before boss fights.

metal gear rising revengeance pc combo not working

At least in a bunch of sections you could decide to go balls to the wall anyway and have some tough combat instead of sneaking. I understand they put them in to slow down the pacing, but I don't think it was a great addition to this game, which really thrives on it's fast paced action. I ended up modding it out (thanks PC version and modder). Noise filter that you can't disable in the settings. + Cute that they added cardboard boxes to hide under, wouldn't be a MGS without them! And I found a small easteregg where an enemy was hiding under one when you slice it open! That was funny

metal gear rising revengeance pc combo not working

+ Graphics still hold up surprisingly well today, at least in the PC version. + The OST goes hard if you're into energetic rock/metal tunes. I see a promising future for Raiden as a fine dining chef should be decide to switch careers. + Slicing unslicably hard things into a million slices is quite fun.

metal gear rising revengeance pc combo not working

+ Parry system (Works quite well once you get the hang of directional attacks). Sooo I ended up retiring it after 5 hours doing main story, but I did enjoy the time I put in it up to that point.

Metal gear rising revengeance pc combo not working